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FAQ on Ireland
With a population of 4.5 m, Ireland is the youngest and most highly-educated population in Europe with over 38% under 25 years of age. Ireland has 5 major cities which are populated in total by over one third (35.5%) of the entire population.
Population breakdown in the cities:
- Dublin - 1,800.000
- Cork - 186.200
- Limerick - 87.000
- Galway - 66.200
- Waterford - 46.700
The currency in Ireland is the Euro. Ireland is a member of the EU (European Union) and in January 2002 our currency converted to the Euro.
Ireland has one of the best education systems in the world - according to the latest IMD world competitiveness report. One million people are in full-time education and nearly 70% of all school leavers go on to third level.
Taxation and Entitlements
For detailed information on our tax system visit the website of the Revenue Commissioners:
All employees, full, part-time, temporary or casual earn holiday entitlements from the time work is commenced. The organisation of The Working Time Act 1997 provides that most employees are entitled to a minimum of 4 weeks annual holidays each year.
The Act also provides the following 9 Statutory holidays:
- 1st January (New Year’s Day)
- St. Patricks day - 17th March
- Easter Monday
- 1st Monday in May
- 1st Monday in June
- 1st Monday in August
- last Monday in October
- Christmas Day
- St. Stephens Day